
Debkalpa Dasđź‘‹

Innovative and enthusiastic CSE Professional. Proficient in data visualization, manipulation
and analysis. Skilled in problem solving, creative thinking, leadership and management.


MS Excel Data Analysis

Video Games Sales Dashboard


The code implements a Minesweeper game using Python's tkinter for the graphical user interface. It generates a board with mines and empty spaces, calculates neighboring mine counts, and handles user interactions including left and right clicks to reveal or mark cells. Key functions include generating a random board (generateRandomBoard), numbering cells based on adjacent mines (numberMineBoard), and managing game logic (playerClicks, checkSpaces). The game features a simple interface with difficulty settings and options to restart or exit the game.

Logic: The code sets up a Minesweeper game using Tkinter by creating a board with mines and empty cells. It includes functions for generating a random board, numbering cells based on neighboring mines, and handling user clicks to reveal or mark cells. The game checks for win or loss conditions, updates the board display, and provides options to restart or exit. The interface includes difficulty settings and handles game restarts through button clicks, with the main game loop running in Tkinter’s event-driven model.

Design:The design employs Tkinter to create a Minesweeper game with a customizable grid layout based on difficulty settings. The main window features a grid of buttons representing cells, with interactive elements for revealing or marking mines. The game board is generated and displayed dynamically, with cells updating based on user actions. Popup dialogs provide feedback on game outcomes and restart options. The layout includes difficulty buttons and game control buttons, ensuring a responsive and user-friendly interface.


Every project presents its own set of obstacles, and the development of this Minesweeper game was no exception. From managing random board generation to ensuring responsive user interactions, each challenge required thoughtful solutions and meticulous planning.

  • Challenge: Random Board Generation and Mine Placement
  • Solution: Ensure a balanced distribution of mines and empty cells. Validate that mine counts and board dimensions are consistently managed to avoid gameplay issues.
  • Challenge:Handling User Interactions Efficiently
  • Solution: Implement clear and responsive feedback for both left and right clicks, ensuring game state updates are promptly reflected on the board.
  • Challenge:Updating and Displaying Game Status
  • Solution: Incorporate effective state management to track game status, handle win/loss conditions, and update the UI dynamically, ensuring a smooth user experience.


The project successfully implemented a functional and interactive Minesweeper game using Tkinter. It features dynamic board generation, responsive user interaction handling, and clear game status updates. The use of Python’s Tkinter library ensures an intuitive and engaging user interface, while the game's logic effectively manages mine placement and user actions. The final product delivers a seamless and enjoyable gaming experience, with intuitive controls for starting new games and adjusting difficulty levels.
