
Debkalpa Dasđź‘‹

Innovative and enthusiastic CSE Professional. Proficient in data visualization, manipulation
and analysis. Skilled in problem solving, creative thinking, leadership and management.


Python Application

Calculator App - VS Code


This Python code creates a simple calculator using the Tkinter library. It defines functions to update and evaluate the expression displayed on the calculator's screen and to clear the input. The GUI consists of number buttons (0-9), arithmetic operators (+, -, X, /), parentheses, an equals button for evaluating expressions, and a clear button. The calculator supports basic arithmetic operations and displays errors if the evaluation fails. The layout and button arrangement are set using Tkinter's grid system.

Logic:The code initializes a Tkinter-based calculator GUI, where numeric and operator buttons update an internal expression string. The add_to_calc function appends symbols to this string and displays it. The eval_calc function evaluates the expression using Python's eval and displays the result, or shows an error if the evaluation fails. The cl_calc function clears the input. The GUI includes buttons for digits, operators, parentheses, and functionalities for evaluating and clearing the expression. The calculator layout is managed with the grid system.

Design: The design employs Tkinter to construct a basic calculator with a central window displaying a large text area for the results. Numeric buttons (0-9) and operator buttons (+, -, X, /) are arranged in a grid layout, with additional buttons for parentheses, equals, and clear functions. The buttons are styled with a consistent font and size, ensuring readability and ease of use. The grid layout effectively organizes the calculator's interface, providing a straightforward and interactive user experience.


Every project has its own set of challenges, and this calculator application is no exception.

  • Challenge: Error Handling in Evaluations
  • Solution: Implement robust exception handling within the eval_calc function to manage invalid expressions or computation errors gracefully, ensuring the application does not crash and provides user-friendly error messages.
  • Challenge: User Input Management
  • Solution: Ensure input validity by controlling button inputs and expression format, preventing invalid entries and ensuring proper mathematical expressions for evaluation.
  • Challenge: UI Scaling and Layout Consistency
  • Solution: Use fixed widget sizes and consistent font styles to maintain layout stability. Adjust button sizes and spacing to ensure that the interface remains usable and visually appealing across different resolutions and screen sizes.


The project successfully developed a functional and user-friendly calculator using Tkinter for the interface. It features a clear and interactive display for arithmetic operations, with buttons for numbers, operators, and essential functions like evaluation and clearing. The application efficiently handles user input and errors, ensuring a smooth calculation experience. By employing Tkinter for layout management and consistent design elements, the final product delivers a responsive and intuitive tool for performing basic mathematical calculations.
